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What to Expect When Going from an Apartment to a House

June 14, 2021 Published by

If you’ve spent the last few years living in an apartment, and you’re finally ready to move into a house, here are two things to know to make the transition as smooth as possible.

  • You will need a plan for lawn care that includes mowing, weeding, and irrigation.
  • You will also need a plan for keeping insects and other pests out of your living space.

You found the home of your dreams, you successfully navigated the real estate purchasing process, and now you’re ready to make a move from your cozy apartment to your very own house. Though this time is full of excitement and happiness, many new homeowners quickly run into unexpected challenges. Here are some things to prepare for that you might not expect when moving from apartment to house.

Lawn Care

When you live in an apartment complex, the management almost always takes care of the grounds. When you’re moving into a house, you take on responsibility for mowing, weeding, and managing the landscaping. If it gets out of hand, you may get off to a bad start with your neighbors, your homeowners’ association, or even your local codes department. You do have some options for tackling this job.

  • You can hire a lawn service. While it may be expensive, a contract with a professional may be the correct answer if you don’t have time or equipment to do the work yourself. A knowledgeable lawn care pro in your area will be familiar with the climate, soil, and local vegetation.
  • If you can make time in your weekly schedule for the necessary lawn care tasks, you’ll want to research proper techniques and plans for lawn care in your area. Essential equipment usually includes a mower that’s right for the size of your lawn, a tool for removing weeds, and hand tools like shovels and clippers. You’ll also need a hose or sprinkler for irrigation.

Pest Control

If the managers of your apartment complex handled pest control well, you probably never had to think about ants, roaches, or any other creeping and crawling thing in your living space. However, now that you’re a homeowner, the task of keeping bugs out is yours. Here again, you have the option of doing it yourself or hiring a professional.

Many new homeowners choose to call in professionals. A licensed professional exterminator knows which pests are predominant in your area and how to keep them away from you and your family. A monthly spray regimen inside and outside of your home with the right chemicals may be preferable to trying to choose the right products on your own. One important advantage to hiring a service is that a pro knows which products are safe to use around your pets. One tip is to get the house sprayed before you move in so that the professional can get to all the tight spaces before moving in with your furniture and belongings.

Where to Learn More

If you’re ready to tackle all that goes along with homeownership in Nashville,Tennessee, contact Capitol Homes. We can help you find the home you’re looking for, whether it’s already built or you need a place to bring it to life. Our team of professionals can help with everything from financing to tips for moving into a new house.

Featured Image: Rob Painter/Shutterstock

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